Useful Information

Local Offer Southend – This is Southend’s health and wellbeing website that offers a comprehensive overview of all that is available to help keep people well and all the details of people and groups that can help. The SEND Local Offer also offers detailed information and guidance around navigating the world of SEND as well as showing the services that are out there. This is the jumping off point to find all the information you would ever need and we recommend visiting it to everyone.

Southend SEND Network – The Southend SEND Network is a network for local organisations, groups and charities that support children and young people with SEND and/or their families in Southend-on-Sea. Individual parent carers can also be part of the network. We are a registered member of the SEND Network and would urge everyone to join and work collaboratively to ensure that every SEND individual has their needs met.

Southend SEND Independent Forum (SSIF) – Southend SEND Independent Forum (SSIF) is the Parent Carer Forum (PCF) for Southend-on-Sea. Funded by the Department of Education, PCFs work alongside local authorities and health services, making sure that the voices of parents and carers of children with SEND are heard.

SENDIASS Southend – Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice & Support Service that is based in Southend. They offer free and impartial information and guidance to families with any SEND related issues or questions.

Children with Disabilities Team – Information around support that is offered to children with disabilities as well as contact points and how to make referrals for social care services.

Adult Social Care – All Social Care information provided by the Southend-on-Sea City Council Website with many important links and guidance.

Requesting a Social Care Assessment (Over 18s) – Link to request this assessment from Southend Social Care team that is done via a phone call or an online form. An assessment may be able to allow Social Services to offer support to you/your family in a variety of ways including financial support to pay for services such as ours.

Neurodevelopmental Guide – A comprehensive guide to navigating the world of neurodevelopment in Southend for all ages up till 25. Co-produced with Southend CCG and the Council it was written by members of SSIF who have used all their own knowledge and experience to make the journey seem as simple and easy as possible.

Supporting your Neurodivergent Child – An incredibly detailed pack of resources and tips and tricks to help support your neurodivergent child through any and all problems or issues they may face. Produced by both parents and professionals there is lots of useful information included.